First Annual Meeting 2-8-73
The S.T.R.A. year end meeting for the 1973 season was held on December 8, 1973 at the Sirloin Stockade on Buford Highway in Atlanta, Georgia.
The meeting was called was called to order at approximately 9:00 PM by Ronnie Garmon (President). The first order of business was the awarding of trophies for the 1973 yearly championship. Awards were given to the top 10 finishers in each class, as follows:
Master Class
1. Ted Roberts
2. Curt Comer
3. Curtis Comer, Sr.
4. Mike Roberts
5. Raymond Dill
6. James Cape
7. Danny Wade
8. Robert Carpenter
Expert Class
1. Jimmy Garmon
2. Dan Miller
3. Lloyd Unnold
4. Jack McCoskey
5. Mike Burnette
6. Wendell Pritchett
7. Roy Roberson
8. Deral Kennedy
9. Jim Camp
10. Doug Kinsey
Novice Class
1. Joey Duran
2. Mike Garrett
3. Steve Wells
4. Greg Garmon
5. Larry Langford
6. Larry Smith
7. Stief Counts
8. Jeff Dorminey
9. Horace Clark
10. Jimmy Conn
An award donated by Cycle News for the most improved rider of the year was presented to Dan Miller.
The next item of business was election of S.T.R.A. officers for 1974. Ronnie Garmon was the only nominee for President and was reinstated by majority vote. There were two nominees for the combined office of Vice President/Secretary/Treasurer: Curtis Comer, Sr. and Dan Miller. Curtis Comer was elected. Jack McCoskey was nominated and elected to the newly created office of Competition Director and will be responsible for score-keeping, rider classification, etc.
The yearly membership for each individual member was approved at $3.00 (same as 1973) for the 197^ season. The $3.00 fee entitles the member to receive all regular S.T.R.A. mailings in 1974 at no additional charge. However, for anyone who is not an S.T.R.A. member and wishes to be on the mailing list, there will be a yearly charge of $1.00.
The final item of business was a lengthy discussion and voting session pertaining to putting together a S.T.R.A. rulebook governing individual trials and the yearly championship competition. The rules that were approved will be put into proper format, printed, and distributed to all members and persons on the mailing list.
The meeting was adjourned at 11:00 PM.
Second Annual Meeting 12-7-74
The S.T.R.A. year-end meeting for the 1974 season was held on December 7, 1974 at the Day’s Inn Cafeteria on Clairmont Road in Atlanta, Georgia.
The meeting was called to order at approximately 8:30 P.M. by Ronnie Gannon (President). The first order of business was the announcement of the newly elected Officers for 1975. President Ronnie Garmon, Vice-President Curtis Comer, Sr., Secretary/Treasurer Dan Miller, and Competition Director Jimmy Garmon.
The next item of business was the awarding of trophies for the 1974 yearly championship. The awards were made to the top ten finishers in the Novice Class, and the top five finishers in the Expert and Master Classes:
Master Class
1. Curtis Comer, Jr.
2. Curtis Comer, Sr.
3. Joey Duran
4. Ted Roberts
5. Dan Miller
Expert Class
1. Jack McCoskey
2. Jim Camp
3. Edward Stamey
4. Doug Kinsey
5. Larry Smith
Novice Class
1. Johnny Williams
2. Roy Baugh
3. Don Hayes
4. Rory Cruser
5. John Williams
6. Willard Miller
7. Charles Stamey
8. Greg Garmon
9. John Bradley
10. Larry Woods
A special Sportsmanship award donated by Cycle News East was awarded to Jim Camp.
Bo Bobbitt of Cycle Specialty, Riverdale, Georgia spoke to the members present concerning monetary awards presented at trials events held at Burnt Hickory Cycle Park. Also mentioned was the possibility of his Cycle Specialty shop participating in year end awards for the coming season. The availability of a Trials School offered by Bultaco International was also discussed.
Dan Miller (Secretary/Treasurer) then read the new additions to the S.T.R.A. Rules.
The final item of business was a short discussion of the rule additions.
The meeting was adjourned at 9:30 P.M.
December 8, 1974 the first Trials of the 1975 season was held on Moreland Avenue, Atlanta, Georgia. The trial organizer was Ronnie Garmon.
Curtis Comer