STRA members,
After a slow start, we have started making changes to this website! Changes thus far include:
- Updating the contact information for all club officers with links to their emails
- Posting of 2017 riding rules with updates from 2016 noted
- Adding a description to each class level
- Posting the 2017 schedule
- Adding links to the schedules of regional clubs that support STRA
- Archiving the championship results from 2014 to present
Our next round of changes on the website will focus on on-line registration and payment options for both STRA membership and event sign-up. After that is completed, during the season our ambition is to post individual event results along with ongoing standings in the championship series for each class.
On a related note, the goal of the STRA Facebook page continues to be to facilitate near-real-time communication and drive readers to this site for additional or detailed information which is more static in nature. We have additional work to do to make the Facebook page less about items for sale and more about communication.
If you have ideas or comments, please do not hesitate to contact me,